Pregnancy: Child, V Tech

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12 answers

HELP...I Need Sleep!!

My 7.5 month old baby boy is such a good boy, so happy and easy going... except at night, when he transforms into a wild cihld! If I'm lucky he will sleep for 2 hours during the day, whether it be all at once, or an hour morning nap around 10 am and an hour afternoon nap at 2 pm. He is ready to go to bed around 8 pm. Each night he usually wakes up AT LEAST twice, around 1 am and 4 am, and typically at 4 am he is ready to start his day. (I'm definitely not!) I've tried letting him cry it out but he can now stand up in his crib and his...


Walker or Jumparoo?

I LOVE when babies are in walkers! Its so cute! I love them being able to...