Health: Toddler, Babies 'R' Us

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8 answers

Car Seat for Air Travel for 3.5 Yo

We're flying with our 1 yo old and 3.5 yo. The 1 yo will be on my lap. We will check his car seat. Question is: do I use a car seat for the 3.5 yo. He's pretty tall, about 42" and about 40 lbs. His car seat seems huge (Graco Nautilus) and I can't imagine him having any room. We will probably check his car seat anyway for driving around but I can't imagine using it on the plane. A friend said that she uses a booster for her 4 yo (who is smaller than my 3.5 yo) but I don't think that is approved by the FAA. I guess it's up to the...


Infant Bed for Travel

My husband and I are planning some weekend trips this summer with our almost...


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22 answers

My 15 Month Old Is a Horrible Eater

My 15 month old son is not a very good eater. He weighs just under 20 lbs. and is in the 5th percentile for weight. His problem seems to be that he likes one food one day and then the next doesn't want anything to do with it. The doctor said that his weight is getting him to be "on the concerned side". He said to basically just add butter and cream to everything and to try pediasure for extra calories. Well, guess what? I have the only baby that does not like chocolate pediasure. He used to eat a ton and I was so happy. Now, just...

Sleeping Habits

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7 answers

Babies R Us or BuyBuy Baby

What store do you like better? What store is most helpful when it comes to Breastfeeding? Or do you go somewhere else