Bottles: Toddler, Gerber

Results 41-50 from 124 articles

What to Put in a Bottle When Baby Has a Fever?

S.K. asks from South Bend

Hello everyone. My 15 month old son has been running a fever since Wednesday night. It's been a low-to-medium grade fever... goes up and down as the tylenol takes e...


Baby Not Taking Bottle

S.D. asks from Chicago

i have a five month old baby,i try to give him the enfamil soy feeding and he don't want it,i try him with gerber cereal rice,everything that u can think off,i don't...


Baby Cereal and Bottles...

K.S. asks from Detroit

Hi:) We have started our little one on cereal once a day but have been adding it to each bottle. The problem is the cereal seems to not fit through the slow flow ni...


Breastfed Baby Not Wanting Bottle, at All!

N.H. asks from Los Angeles

So, for the past few weeks I have been battling it out with my three month old. The problem is, he won't take the bottle, more specifically the nipple. I have tried a...


Opinions of Dr. Brown Bottles

M.N. asks from Philadelphia

Anybody has anythng to say about Dr. Brown bottles. I have a 2.5m old, used to use Avent and hated them-she gulped too much air on them. Switched to simples narrow Ge...


Question About Baby Bottles

L.S. asks from Killeen

Hi moms! I am thinking of using glass bottles but not exactly sure which brand to go with. Can anyone give any suggestions? Also, I have an Avent pump and since they ...


Bottle to Sippy Cup

T.V. asks from Boston

Having trouble with transitioning my almost 1 year old to the sippy cup! She will drink out of it at meal times with water in it, but not milk at bottle times any sug...


Safe Bottle Compatible with Breastfeeding?

D.D. asks from Hartford

I am pumping a little as I will need to bottle feed my almost six month old breastfed daughter soon when I have dental work done (I will have to pump and dump after t...


What Bottles to Use on a Breastfed Baby

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 10 weeks old, he was using the Avent bottle and nursing without a problem. I have left my son with my mother a couple of times in the last two weeks and he...


Bottles to Sippy Cups

L.M. asks from San Diego

Hi. I have a 12 month old son who does not want to drink out of a sippy cup. I've tried several different type of cups and brands. He just throws it on the ground and...