Bottles: Toddler, Nuby

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29 answers

What Is the Best Brand for Bottles? Avent?

Hey there. We are pregnant with our third baby and looking for what kind of bottles we want to buy. I have heard good things about the Avent bottles, but before I make any purchases I would love to know what kind of bottles you used for your baby and if you liked them or not. Thanks so much! :)

Bottles Accessories

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35 answers

Getting 14 Month off the Bottle

Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there has advice about how to get my 14 month old off the bottle. She will drink out of a sippy cup (water and juice only) but she will not drink her milk unless it is in a bottle. I've tried giving it to her in a sippy cup (cold and warm). She takes a big "sip", wrinkles her face and hands it back to me. Any information is helpful. Thanks!


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11 answers

15 Month Old Outsmarting the Weaning Process!!

Hello Moms! I am hoping you can help me out. I am still nursing my 15 mo. old and I am ready to start weaning. Currently, she nurses 3X/day...mostly interested before she takes a nap or goes to bed at night. From time to time I have had to supplement with formula and she has taken these bottles with no problems. I was pumping every day so she'd have a feeding at daycare. However, in an effort to wean, I stopped pumping and have decided to just give her formula. Now all the sudden she won't take it!! We have tried different temps,...