Appliances: The First Years

Results 51-60 from 314 articles

Changing Rules for Young Adult and Younger Kids

J.B. asks from Boston

A topic came up today that I hadn't really thought about yet. My oldest son is 18 and will be done with classes and exams in May, graduating in June. He will work and...


Keeping "Romance" Alive, Out of the Roommate Zone

R.J. asks from Tampa

All and all my husband and I have a pretty good marriage. We laugh a lot, get along and enjoy being together and with our kids. One of my struggles has always been l...


Where Did My Sweet Little Girl Go?

J.D. asks from Dallas

My daughter has been such a great kid until this past week. She was around a kid who totally disrespects adults and picked up the behavior and it has not gone away. T...


Time to Exercise?????????

K.R. asks from Richmond

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how other busy moms find the time to work exercise into their busy schedules. I get up every morning at 6:30 to get my older son up ...


How to Clean/steralize Bath Toys

J.G. asks from Seattle

Hello everyone! I was just curious about what other mommies do to clean their babies bath toys? I get anxious about using bleach? If that's what do to, how much? I...


Mother in Law Babysitting Question

C.J. asks from New York

My mother in law watches my daughter for me 3 days a week at my house while I work and my sister watches her the other two days. I have no problems with my sister wat...


Bottle Warming

J.M. asks from Detroit

I heard a report the other day about putting warm tap water in baby's bottles. So I started making my baby's bottles more on the cold side but he seemd to be fussy a...


Help with Teething

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hey moms, need a little help here. My 5 month old has started teething I believe. She drools, puts everything in her mouth, and for the past 3 days has had a temper...


Need Help/advice About an Adult Sister

K.B. asks from Cincinnati

My sister is 22 years old and has an 2 year old daughter. In Oct. she moved out of her and her husbands home to her own apartment and decided she was getting divorced...


Good Travel Bottle or Travel Formula Solution

M.S. asks from Miami

We're taking our 2 month old son on a trip to San Francisco this weekend for my sister's wedding. (5 hour flight..... not looking forward to that) We'll be gone Frida...