Skin, Hair & Bath Care: Seventh Generation

Results 71-80 from 118 articles

Baby Acne

D.B. asks from Dallas

I just recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on November 21, 2008. I notice last week that her forehead seem to have a rash which i have now found out to be b...


Diaper Rash

S.T. asks from Denver

Any recommendations for cream to treat diaper rash? I've been using Desitin regularly, and i guess it's ok. Last time we were at the ped, he prescribed us some stuff ...


Allergies in Your Home

M.F. asks from Louisville

Do you feel like your home is making you sick? My allergies seem to get worse when I am cleaning does anyone else have this problem?


Alergic to Luvs??

M.E. asks from Chicago

i just brought my baby back from the doctor because i noticed that she had little red bumps all over her butt. we have recently changed her diaper to luvs because the...


Cloth Diapers: Any Recommendations or Warnings? I'm Thinking of Experimenting

S.F. asks from Benton Harbor

I am finally considering cloth diapers. We are hoping for 4 kids, so it seems like a decent investment. #1 is starting to have success on the potty, yet sporadically...


All Natural Products for Babies

E.S. asks from Kansas City

Hi moms, was wanting to see if anyone has found some good natural lotions and soaps for infants. Expecting baby number two and really hoping to do things a lot dif...


Seeking Advice Re: 7-Month Old Who Scratches

S.O. asks from New York

I've been loyally reading everyone's postings everyday and finally have one I need your help with. Our 7-month old delicious girl is generally very easy - great eate...

18 You Order Online?

M.C. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms, Do any of you ladies order your diapers, formulas, wipes, and baby supplies from If you do, do you find that you save alot of money by using ...


Problem with Baby Wipes and Daughter

T.H. asks from Green Bay

Lately my daughter doesn't like being wiped while changing her diaper, particularly in her vaginal area. Could we be wiping her too much? not gentle enough? Or is it ...


Alternatives to Meds for Son Diagnosed with OCD

J.D. asks from Boston

My 7 year old son has been diagnosed with OCD. The phychologist who tested him and his therapist are highly recommending meds. I am not a big fan of meds at all. My o...