Nap & Bedtime: Ergo

Results 31-40 from 175 articles

9 Month Old with MAJOR Sleep Problems at Naps and Night Time

M.E. asks from Birmingham

My 9 month used to be a fantastic night-sleeper, until recenty. Around 7 months, he started waking once or twice during the night. I would nurse him, lay him down, ...


7Month Old Doesn't Sleep in Crib

E.S. asks from Cleveland

So my daughter is 7months old. And she used to take naps in her crib until she started falling asleep when I nursed her. Now she takes one nap in her swing and the re...


Question for Non Do You Get Your Second Child to Sleep?

S.K. asks from Seattle

Hi moms- I seriously don't understand how other moms do this. I have a 2.5 year old daughter who doesn't nap anymore and now I have a new son (3 months old). He ...


2 Year Old Sleep Challenge

M.W. asks from Chicago

My son is 25 months and needs to fall asleep while touching my skin. Either my face or belly. I realize it's a security issue, but I need to transition him to somet...


Bedtime Routine for toddler/Attachment Parenting

E.P. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 22 months and spirited and putting her to sleep has always been a challenge. She still needs to be walked in the Ergo, nursed to sleep or bounced on a...


Toddler Obsessed with Me

B.B. asks from New York

My 19 month old daughter has always been but recently its gotten really bad. If I am in the room with her, she wants to either be held or nursed. This continues in ...


Breaking Habits with Infants

K.L. asks from Boston

I have nursed my 8 1/2 month old to sleep in the evening since he was born. I have tried using different methods such as Pantley's Gentle Removal Plan. However, my ...


17 Month

B.C. asks from New York

I need advice on getting my 17 month old son to nap. He never really has napped on his own. He'll sleep in the car, ergo or stroller but not in his crib. My husban...


Sleeping Behavior Question on My 4.5 Month Old

J.H. asks from Springfield

My 4.5 month old is not able to take very good naps and he is very difficult sometimes to get to sleep. He gets really overtired and it makes it even harder. He cri...


REVISED INQUIRY: My Four-Month Old Wakes Every Hour or Two During the Night

F.B. asks from Portland

REVISION: Again, thanks for everyone for your insightful responses to my inquiry below. What I've learned in the past few days through all of your responses is that ...