Nap & Bedtime: Ergo

Results 11-20 from 175 articles

My Son's Sleep Issues

J.B. asks from Cincinnati

I have an 9 mo. old son who won't nap unless he's being held. He doesn't do great at night either but not as bad as the nap sittuation. I know al about the whole le...


Newborn Does Not Want to Sleep Anywhere but on Me

T.P. asks from Houston

My daughter is less than one week old. I am breastfeeding and I have tried to out her in her crib after feeding. However after several minutes in the crib she wakes u...


Infant Sleep Advice

B.S. asks from Dallas

I have a sweet newborn. he is my second baby. The first had all kinds of difficulities the first 4-6 months of life so its all kind of a fog. now that he is 2 and ...


Help Me I Need Sleep

K.A. asks from Boston

I work full time, as does my husband. I have to wake up at seven in the morning and stick needles in people's arm, which requires sleep at night. My son will not go t...


Baby Won't Sleep Alone During the Day

A.J. asks from New York

My 7 week old daughter will not sleep alone during the day. When I put her down for naps she will wake up and start to cry. I've tried putting her down before she fal...


Begging for Help with Sleep Issues!

L.W. asks from Boston

I'm at the end of my rope. I don't know how to help my 9 month old go to sleep. I posted a question before and got a lot of responses. I tried many of the suggestio...


6Wk Old Baby Needs to Be Held to Sleep

M.P. asks from New York

Hi, i understand that baby's sleep habits will change from time to time. I want to know if my baby girl 6 wks is too young to let cry to sleep. since birth she slept ...


Getting My 2.5 Mo Old to Sleep

M.F. asks from Pittsfield

Hello, I am having trouble at nights putting my 2.5 month old to sleep. I have a 3 year old son, who is great and handling the change of his new little sister won...


Advice on Getting My Baby to Sleep on Her Own Rather than in My Arms.

M.D. asks from Birmingham

Hello, I have a 2month old that will only sleep in my arms. I have exclusively nursed her. She wont take a pacifier (even though I try every day) so she nurses for f...


Question for Moms Who Sleep with Your Babies - Where Does Your Baby Nap?

J.S. asks from Sacramento

Hi Moms! I have a 6 month old daughter who has slept in bed with me since day one. We have never had any issues or problems with this and it has worked well for our f...