Milestones: Nuby

26 articles

Trying to Stop Nursing

S.H. asks from San Francisco

I have been trying to wean my 17 month old son for a few months now. Nothing I do seems to work. He has never taken a bottle, but will drink from a sippy cup. I ha...


9 1/2 Month Old Still Not Crawling and Other Questions......

K.G. asks from Chicago

Hi... I have a beautiful 9 1/2 month old daughter... she is not crawling and I'm worried and concerned. The other babies at daycare that are her age are already craw...


5 Month Old Will Not Take Bottle!

K.C. asks from Allentown

I guess the subject heading sums it up... I have a five month old daughter who absolutely refuses the bottle; she will only nurse. She took one in the hospital when...


Bye-bye Bottle! Any Tips?

J.B. asks from Cleveland

Hi everyone: We've been giving our daughter 1-2 bottles a day of that next-step formula since her first birthday. She gets one before bed and one if she wakes up dur...


Can't Get 8 Mo to Eat Lumpy Solids

L.C. asks from St. Louis

A couple of months ago, I tried to give my daughter (then 6-1/2 mo) some lumpy solid food. She gagged on it and I thought she was choking and it scared me so bad that...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....