Milestones: Cosco

Results 31-40 from 65 articles

Convertible Carseat Recommendations

N.C. asks from Columbus

We are getting ready to purchase convertible carseats for our twins. I've seen the wide range in price and we're looking to spend no more than $150 on each seat. Do...


New Car Seat

M.B. asks from San Francisco

My son is just about to outgrow his first car seat. I would like to buy a new seat that he can use for awhile. One that I can use rear facing until he turns one and t...


Need Help Choosing a CarSeat

A.W. asks from Dallas

My 5 month old is large for his age and rapidly outgrowing his infant carrier. We are needing to get him a larger seat, and soon! I was leaning toward the Britax De...


Need Suggestions for Convertible Car Seats for a Small Car

T.P. asks from Houston

My twins are fast outgrowing their infant seats. I am looking for the next car seat which I guess are the convertible seats. I have a Jeep Liberty and am concerned ab...


Is There a Way to Fit 3 Carseats in a Car??

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

I have another question for you mamas :) I am pregnant with #3 and have a '07 honda accord sedan. Am I going to be able to fit 3 carseats in the back or do I have t...


Booster Seats with LATCH???

A.X. asks from Birmingham

Does anyone know whether the booster seats with the bottom and back that use your car's own seatbelt on the kid are connected with a LATCH system? DD is close to bei...


Sedan That Fits 3 Car Seats??

H.B. asks from Milwaukee

We need a car that will fit one booster (no back) and 2 toddler car seats. Any recommendations? Thanks!


Booster Seat Reviews

S.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I am looking for booster seat reviews like from consumer reports. We are needing to make our purchase next month. I thought we had a longer time but my son went throu...


Need Suggestions for a Convertible Car Seat for My 4 Month Old

K.K. asks from Boston

My 4 month old son( who is already 21 pounds and 28 inches in length), is growing out of his infant car seat and now I'm in the process of finding a reasonably priced...


Another Car Seat & Accident Question (Progressive Ins.)

J.F. asks from Bloomington

A friend totaled her van two nights ago. She rear-ended a person in front of her. Her airbags went off, and the car was unable to drive away. She has Progressive. ...