Health: Toddler, The First Years

Results 71-80 from 82 articles

Cup Suggestion

G.E. asks from Raleigh

My almost 6yr old is not careful when he is drinking from a cup so I continue to use the Avent sippy cups with the handles on each side. He recently told me that his ...


Seeking Information About MMR Vaccine and Complications or Side Effects

L.B. asks from Denver

I've been doing some research on the MMR vaccine, along with others, and have become concerned about the MMR vaccine and it's link to autism, digestive disorders, and...


Am I Being Emotional....?

A.S. asks from Odessa

So i have 2 issues i'm dealing with. The first: let me start off by saying me and my boyfriend have a wonderful relationship and have always got along really well we ...


Marriages to Foreign Men

J.C. asks from Dallas

I would like to know if there are any U.S. Citizens that have married foreign men and how their marriages worked out with them so far. I am married to a foreigner fro...


How Does It Come to This....

J.G. asks from McAllen

Hi moms. I really need someone to talk to. I often wondered how people let thier relationships come to the point where divorce or seperation was even an option. Howev...


Soon to Be 3 Year Old Doesn't Sleep Thru the Night!!

M.M. asks from Detroit

HELP!!! Our soon to be 3 year old does NOT sleep thru the night and we have tried EVERYTHING to figure out why she is waking up, but have yet to "crack the code." S...


Advice Needed!

C.R. asks from Killeen

Ok...For the past 3 months I have been going to a councelor. One reason, my DH, 2nd reason my anxiety. Ok...well me and my counselor has "boiled" it down to my DH nee...


Snoring Husband

N.S. asks from Raleigh

I need a little help regarding my husband's snoring - I feel like I'm getting less sleep than when my kids were babies. Typically my husband snores more in the winter...


Pumping Storage and Feeding

T.H. asks from Chicago

I am expecting my first baby in April and am planning on pumpming using the Medela Pump in Style Advnaced. I was wondering how to easily store the breastmilk? Do I ...


Do You Live a "Simple" Life?

O.H. asks from Phoenix

We try to live a simple life. Low stress, focus on God, family and friends. Little to no debt and pay cash for everything. On the rare occasions that we buy somethin...