Ergo: Child

Results 71-80 from 1,130 articles

Advice for a Solo Mom on Juggling Toddler and Newborn at Bedtime

N.S. asks from San Francisco

My husband is a firefighter, works 24 hour shifts, and is going back to work soon. We had our second child, a girl, on July 4th, and our first is a 16 months old boy...


Preparing a Mom, I Mean, Infant for Daycare

W.M. asks from Seattle

My 6 month old will be starting daycare to my dismay next week. As I'm scrambling to think of everything I need to do in preparation, I feel like it isn't enough. I f...


Double Stroller?

J.G. asks from Omaha

I have been going back and forth on whether or not I want to purchase a double stroller. I have my heart set on the Bumblride Indie Twin but it is so pricey... I al...


Looking for a Light Weight Airy (If Thats a Word) Baby Wrap...

A.J. asks from Sacramento

I'm hoping some moms will have some suggestions...I currently have a Moby wrap that my 8.5mth old son LOVES. It is the only thing he will now fall asleep in. There is...


Child Carriers

H.H. asks from Atlanta

Can anyone recommend a good child carrier? I'm talking about the backpack carriers for older babies and toddlers that you can use when walking/hiking, etc. Anyone...


Sling Recommendations?

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

I have an extremely bad back due to car accidents. It is breaking my heart, but I keep having to put my 7 month old down due to my back "locking up". Does anyone have...


Traveling with 2 Kids--how to Manage the Gear?

T.H. asks from Sacramento

At the end of July, I'm going to be flying cross country by myself with my 14 month old and 3.5 year old. I will be staying with childless friends while away. I've ...


Toddler Obsessed with Me

B.B. asks from New York

My 19 month old daughter has always been but recently its gotten really bad. If I am in the room with her, she wants to either be held or nursed. This continues in ...


Another "Traveling with Baby" Help Request., for High-Maintenance Baby.. :)

P.D. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mommies, I know this has probably been posted many times. I will be traveling with my soon-to-be six-month-old. It will be a four hour flight, through Sou...


Sleep Help

J.B. asks from Seattle

My almost 7 month old daughter has always had trouble sleeping. Getting her to sleep for naps or at night has always been a challenge. She is a light sleeper and ra...