Diaper Rash: Infant, Desitin

Results 31-40 from 715 articles

Diaper Rash

J.M. asks from St. Louis

HI! Any good remedies or creams that seem to work better to cure diaper rash? I know I've seen questions on this topic before and of course never wrote any ideas dow...


Diaper Rash

M.G. asks from Dallas

Moms, do you have any secrets to relieving diaper rash?? My 9month has Rotavirus and has sever diaper rash. We have used Butt Paste and soaked her in Domeboro...any o...


Diaper Rash

S.S. asks from Omaha

My son typically has 1 poopy diaper per day. Yesterday he had 5 poopy diapers and 3 today. Not quite diarrhea but really mushy (sorry if thats gross) which started to...


Diaper Rash

J.L. asks from Lubbock

my 14 mo old has been getting diaper rash more often now than when she was a baby. someone suggested it might be the huggies diapers. has anyone had similar experience?


Diaper Rash

T.S. asks from Phoenix

I have a one month old that has had a diaper rash since he was 3 days old. I tried every cream, ointment and balm known to the drugstore world and the rash just got ...


Diaper RASH

R.M. asks from New York

Does anyone have a healthy solution to cure a diaper rash? i have a 7 month old baby who has a rash and i can't seem to get rid of... i bathe my child in the morning ...


Diaper Rash

K.T. asks from New York

My 2 year old daughter has developed a horrible diaper rash and is extremely uncomfortable. It is painful to look at so I could only imagine how she feels. She has ...


Diaper Rash

S.T. asks from Denver

Any recommendations for cream to treat diaper rash? I've been using Desitin regularly, and i guess it's ok. Last time we were at the ped, he prescribed us some stuff ...


Diaper Rash

T.D. asks from Dallas

My 2 year old has diaper rash!! Do you have any favorite remedies I can use.... the airing out that we have done when he was a baby isn't really possible now that he...


Diaper Rash

M.E. asks from Miami

my babyboy has his first BAD diaper rash... when we wipe his butt, he cries and he is in definate pain and disconfort. we are using Disatin but he appears to be in p...