Cold & Flu: Infant, Pedialyte

Results 11-20 from 597 articles

Which Meds to Give a 2Year Old for Flu?

F.S. asks from Portland

Hey there My 2year old has a cough, with fever at nights, a runny nose. only her runny nose started previous monday, i thought it will go away on its own. But its ju...


Stop the "FLU" Epidemic? :)

C.B. asks from Kansas City

okay mamas i have to call some of us out. does everyone realize that THE FLU is a horribly dangerous illness that KILLS small children and older people? you or your c...


Flu Season

J.T. asks from Fayetteville

Helpful ideas to rid the flu?????


Flu Shot

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

Ladies I am hating myself right now. My son has a cold and I let the doctor convince me that he could have a flu shot. Now he has a fever and is miserable and I am s...



N.D. asks from Chicago

My tot has had the flu for the last 10 days now, but she is getting slowly better. However, due to hardly eating, she is very weak, and I fear she will need to stay o...


First Cold for 9 Month Old! Ugh!

H.B. asks from Phoenix

My 9 month old daughter just came down with her first cold (stuffy/ runny nose, cough, sneezing, raspy throat, and mild fever) and its been a not so good day for us. ...


First Cold! What Do I Do?

R.M. asks from New York

Hi Moms, My 11 month old son has come down with his first cold, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, etc. Does this warrant a trip to the doc or do I just ri...


Toddler with Bad Cold, What to Do?

R.S. asks from Seattle

Last week my husband was sick with a bad cold. Now this week my son and I have it. My son is running a temp of 99.8 up to 102.9. We have been giving him Tylenol, cool...


Baby Is Sick

M.B. asks from Seattle

hallo Ladies, I would like to ask you few questions regarding the baby sickeness.My baby is almost an year old and 14 days ago she got cold, i guess from me. She ha...


Stomach Flu or Something Else?

C.C. asks from New York

My daughter has been throwing up since Thursday. Can't keep anything besides water and ice chips down. Ginger ale, pedialyte, broth all gets thrown up. No fever. N...