Checkups & Ultrasounds: Infant, Graco

5 articles

How Hard Is It to Have a Second One with a 7 Year Old?

M.B. asks from Stationed Overseas

Hey ladies, I just found out yesterday that I am 5 weeks pregnant. I am ecstatic, we've been trying for so long! Now I am worried on how my daughter will take all of ...


Feeling Confused and Scared Carrying Twins?

K.D. asks from Seattle

Hi all, this is my first posting tho I have been a member for a while. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and at my last Dr appointment (last Thursday)I was told I am ...


Need Recommendations on Good Twin Strollers!

C.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 year old and a 17 month old. I am 5 months pregnant and I went for my first ultrasound and found out I am having twin boys. I am feeling overwhelmed right...


Off Center Belly with Twins

S.J. asks from Seattle

My belly button is a good inch off to the left, and I'm worried that one twin is much smaller than the other. Anybody have this experience? I am at 20 weeks right now.


Car Seat 5Pt Harness vs Booster

H.J. asks from Minneapolis

So I recently began researching into car seats again. A little background...we have always been big into car seat safety and have never put a price on our kids seats,...