By Car: Pampers

Results 31-40 from 80 articles

What Do You Put in Your Diaper Bag?

L.M. asks from Chicago

Now that summer is approaching what are some of the additional essentials you like to add to your diaper bag? More diapers, wipes, yeeess!!!!!!! What else would be g...


What to Add/leave off Baby Registry?

S.J. asks from Wausau

Hi - I am wondering what items other Moms have put on their Baby Registry, and what items you would leave off? Obviously, leave off clothes, but is there anything you...


What to Register for at Baby Shower

M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm having my first baby. Anything you had that you couldn't live without that I should register for? I've heard to get terrycloth diapers instead of burp pads cu...


3 Months of Sleep

L.T. asks from Albany

I am trying to determine what to buy or use for an infant. I don't want to spend too much on what will only be 3 months of use. Any suggestions, In-laws say laundry...


Baby Shower Gift Ideas

K.A. asks from Medford

I have a friend that is having a baby shower and am looking for some ideas from everyone... I would like to know some ideas from everyone about the best, most useful ...


First Baby room...What Do I Need?

A.M. asks from Tampa

I am pregnant and will soon need to get my baby's room together. What things do I need? What things will make my life easier? I guess this doesn't just involve th...


Due in November - What Baby Items Are Considered MUST Have's by You?

S.W. asks from Myrtle Beach

I'm due in November. I KNOW that I want a carrier, and I've been eyeing the ERGO; do any of you have experience with that and would you recommend it? What other gea...


What Do You Really NEED for a New Born?

E.B. asks from Santa Barbara

We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...


Baby Registry Help

B.R. asks from Dallas

We are expecting our first child. I am starting to register and I was wondering some items that are 'must haves' and some that we should skip. Any advice is greatly...


Baby Clothing

L.M. asks from Fort Myers

My girlfriend gave me a lot of clothes to go through but most of them are sizes 0-3 months and 6-9 months. How many do I need in each size, since babies grow so fast?...