Bottles: Infant, Playtex

Results 31-40 from 220 articles

Sterilizing Bottles

K.M. asks from San Francisco

When did you stop sterilizing bottles? My infant is 6 months old and it is becoming a chore. Just curioius as to what others are doing.


Bottle Misery

K.H. asks from Phoenix

I am trying to get my breastfed daughter to begin to take a bottle (filled with expressed breastmilk) once a day in preparation for me returning to work in August. S...


Introducing a Bottle

A.F. asks from Milwaukee

I soon have to go back to work so I have started giving my 6 week old daughter one bottle a day in the evening so dad can do it. She sucks it down so fast then screa...


Bottles and Nipples???

T.S. asks from Lexington

hello all, I have a bit of an issue with bottles. Here is some back ground. My son is 3 mos old and started out a breastfed baby. About 2 wks ago I had to have durg...


Cereal in Bottles

R.G. asks from Dallas

I know they say not to put cereal in bottles but I also know I'm going to do it anyway. SO...has anyone put cereal in a Dr. Brown's bottle? Which nipple should I use...


What Type of Bottles??

C.S. asks from Minneapolis

I am having baby number 4 in 9 weeks. It has been 4 years since I have had a new born and am not sure the best & safest bottles to use. I plan on nursing but would l...


Bottle Nipples?

S.B. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I am having a problem with the nipples for my son's bottles. He is six weeks old and I can't seem to find the right kind of nipple for his bottles. I have slow flow n...


BPA In Bottles?

S.S. asks from Kansas City

Have you all been hearing/reading about the research they're doing on BPA found in baby bottles and infant formula cans? Haven't we turned out fine and aren't your k...


Breadtfeeding to Bottles

C.C. asks from Dallas

Looking for recommendations on bottles. Currently nursing but also want to pump and bottle feed. Would like to do both. Anyone have succes doing this with a certain b...


Baby Won't Take a Bottle!

L.S. asks from Madison

I have a 2 month old son who loves breastfeeding. I'm very grateful that we do not have any difficulties with nursing, but he refuses to take a bottle. We've tried ...