Allergies: Munchkin

Results 31-40 from 97 articles

Infant Asthma

S.B. asks from Washington DC

My almost 5 month old son has been wheezing for about a month now. Our pediatrician tried several meds but they didn't really help much, so he sent us to a pediatric...


MMR Immunzation

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone had a 1yr old have an reaction to the MMR vac. ? My daughter got her shot last week tues. and on fri. she started with a fever on and off until Tues. so ...


Formula Sensitivity?

N.O. asks from Richland

I am breastfeeding my 7 week old and he consumes way more than my daughter did at the same age. I'm having trouble keeping up my supply with him...especially in the ...


Possible Eczema on Baby's Scalp

J.S. asks from Dayton

I have a 7mo old baby boy that has a very dry, itchy, scalp. He is always scratching it especially when he is tired and has caused it to bleed and scab. His pediatric...


Spitting Up/acid Reflux

L.L. asks from Dallas

My son is 3 months old and has reflux. He takes medicine twice a day for it, we also have tried several formulas. He was on the enfamil AR for a while then i noticed ...


Breastfeeding with an Illness

J.S. asks from Springfield

After 4 kids, I should know this, but have never run into this issue before. I am currently breastfeeding my 3 week old. oday, she started to get very fussy, which is...


Stopping the Bottle

D.M. asks from Hattiesburg

My son is 12 1/2 months old. He is in daycare full time. For him to move up to the 1 year old class, he has to be off of the bottle completely. We have replace one...


Sippy Cup for 7 Month Old

K.E. asks from Houston

I have two kinds of sippy cup one with a soft spout, that when you bite down on it the liquid comes out. I used these with my older one and they were great. Easy to c...


One Year Old with Eczema

S.E. asks from Washington DC

I have a one year old son with severe eczema, He was diagonosed at the age of 3 month. His doctor has prescribed everything from creams to benadryl for the itching. I...


BPA In Bottles?

S.S. asks from Kansas City

Have you all been hearing/reading about the research they're doing on BPA found in baby bottles and infant formula cans? Haven't we turned out fine and aren't your k...