Working: Zyrtec

Results 41-50 from 1,286 articles

Allergy Shots - Do They Really Work?

D.S. asks from Chicago

My allergist has recommended that my son and I get weekly allergy shots for our indoor and outdoor allergies. I'm pretty sure I need them because my nose is clogged ...


Allergy Medicine for a 5 Year Old Boy

P.C. asks from Charlotte

I have heard that you should give Zyrtec at night b/c it tends to make children sleepy but what about Claritin? SHould that be given in the a.m. or at bedtime? Do y...



C.A. asks from New York

My 16 month old son had an ear infection and was prescribed amoxicillin. He took the dose for 10 days. On the last day he developed hives all over, swollen face and h...


Allergy Medicine - Child's Reaction

M.C. asks from Chicago

Hi mamas, Has anyone given their child zyrtec (sp?) and was there any reaction to it? My almost 4 year old just saw his peditrician and he said he has very mild s...



L.W. asks from Sherman

Hi Everyone! I have a 21 month old with terrible allergies just like me. The doctor prescirbed Zyrtec for him in the morning. The only problem is that it changes h...


Allergy Congestion

N.K. asks from Atlanta

Hi- I have some seasonal allergies and I take flonase and occassionally zyrtec....but nothing helps with the fullness in my ears - when I lay down or flip my head ups...


Canker Sore Inside Cheek

A.A. asks from Nashville

So i have been having a cold since Friday of runny nose and when it would drain it would irritate my throat alittle. So i called my nurse since im 14weeks pregnant to...


Post Nasal Drip

G.A. asks from Lakeland

I was wondering if anyone knows how to control post nasal drip at home with out having to see a dr. I already take flonase and (Zyrtec) when necessary so is there an...


Seeking Advice Regarding Allergy Medicine

K.Y. asks from Detroit

My son has both eczema and allergies. He's almost 2 and his allergies this summer have been absolutely horrible. We've tried Benadryl, Claritin and most recently we...


Giving a Preschooler Daily Allergy Medication

D.B. asks from Dallas

My Doctor has prescribed my son (who will turn 2 in 2 days) Zyrtec to take daily. have other moms had good experiences with their preschool kids on Zyrtec? My son ha...