Pregnancy Complications: Toddler, Target

Results 21-30 from 143 articles

Weight Loss Help

H.D. asks from Dallas

Okay, mommas. I am starting to get frustrated. I want to start trying to have another baby after Christmas. I had some complications with my first pregnancy with my b...


VBAC Vs. Second C-section

E.H. asks from Kokomo

I am 31 weeks and due to recent life complications am debating whether I should do a VBAC. With my daughter(now 4) I ended up having a CS because she was very breec...



M.P. asks from San Diego

I just found out I am carrying twins. Neither my husband or myself have them in our family, so this is a huge shocker. If any one has any great advice for the pregnan...


Handicap Sticker While Pregnant?

M.R. asks from Kansas City

Out of curiosity, has anyone gotten a temporary handicap parking sticker while pregnant. I had terrible sciatic and hip pain with my first pregnancy. I was barely a...


Having Twins

A.G. asks from Omaha

Well this is my 2nd pregnancy and we had to do In-Vitro with both. Only had one beautiful and healhty little girl. She is now 20 months old. I am 6 weeks pregnant and...


Good Prenatal Vitamins?

V.C. asks from Los Angeles

We are considering having another baby, so I need to start taking prenatal vitamins. The ones I took during my first pregnancy were so gigantic and gross! Any recom...


What to Expect When Adding Child #3 to Family

J.F. asks from Medford

I'm a SAHM in the second month of my third pregnancy. I have two kids (a girl age 3 1/2 and a boy age 2). This pregnancy was quite a surprise for us! I'd always wante...


Border Line Diabetic Wants to Get Pregnant

A. asks from Allentown

This past Aug. I found out I am a border line diabetic. I have lost 10lbs since then. I saw my doc today to tell her that my husband and I are ready to have another b...


Come on Baby!

M.C. asks from Pocatello

OK... so I am 37.5 weeks along in my second pregnancy... For me this one has been a lot "more pregnant" than my last, although thankfully it has been a healthier, les...


Pregnant and Needing Chiropractor Advice

M.R. asks from Fort Myers

I am 36 weeks pregnant with my first and having extreme lower back discomfort. I know that this somewhat common due to the stretching of my lower spine, however, som...