Makeup & Clothing: A&D

Results 51-60 from 271 articles

Desitin Diaper Cream

A.R. asks from Macon

I have used Aveeno diaper cream on my daughter since birth with no problems. But when she got a rash it didnt seem to do much to heal so on rashes I used Destin. Well...


Diaper Rash

G.G. asks from Chicago

What do you think works best solution for a bad diaper rash? She is 15 mo and had shots last week and in the last few days she has had lots of runny stools. She also ...


Kids Swimshorts Causing Rash

S.K. asks from Philadelphia

My poor little guys get a rash on their thighs every time we go in the pool. i tried different shorts, but no luck. I know what to do after the fact, does anyone hav...


What to Do for Mosquito Bites for an Infant?

V.A. asks from Dallas

is there anything you can do for babies under 6 months when it comes to mosquito bites? do you just leave it alone and it'll go away like an adult? my son has one squ...


Newborn Must-Haves?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

My friend just had a baby girl & am sending her some things. This is her first. I am trying to think of what items saved my life w/my newborn. I can only think o...


Loud Early Morning Grunting

A.S. asks from Tampa

Hi ladies, My 6w. DS is pretty gassy and is always working h*** o* pushing no. 2. When it comes, it usually is a squirt. Is this normal? The hard part for me is a...


Rash on My Little Girls Privates

J.M. asks from Orlando

My 4 year old is having a problem with a rash on her privates but on the lip part, like it is chapped. I have started having her wipe with moist wipes yesterday beca...


Bumps on the Behind!

T.S. asks from New York

My 7 month old daughter starting getting these rud bumps on her culy about 5 days ago. They are red and seem to be getting raw. They start out looking almost like a ...


Painful Diaper Rash

J.R. asks from Seattle

My 1.5 year old has had diarrhea for 4-days and has developed a very painful diaper rash. She slept next to me last night without a diaper (yep!! Got up to clean the ...


Child's Skin Irritation

A.N. asks from Kansas City

My daughter is just potty trained (yeah!!) and has been wearing underwear exclusivly (except at night) for 2 weeks. The last several days her booty has been red and c...