Learning: Infant, Neocate

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10 answers

Multiple Allergy Baby Does Not Seem to Tolerate Neocate

Hello there, my 7 month old daughter is still breastfeeding and eating some solids. She has multiple food allergies/intolerances and my diet has been seriously restricted to totally vegan with no soy, spices, garlic, onions, caffiene, citrus, etc. I have tried to feed her neocate, a very hypoallergenic formula, but she seems collicky and in pain with the neocate. she is also spitting up when she has it. Has anyone else experienced this? I thought the neocate would be the most tolerable formula. She also doesn't seem to do well with...


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19 answers

High Allergy Baby- Is Neocate Formula Ok?

has anyone had any bad reactions to Neocate formula? i have a baby allergic to soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, eggs, garlic, beats, pork... you get the point. i'm still breastfeeding her, but doctors are pushing for me to switch to formula- Neocate is the only formula that treats her allergies, however i heard that it can be h*** o* the kidney and my baby was born with one smaller kidney and the other has a little bit of back flow. however, lactation consultanst have said to keep breastfeeding. i have narrowed my diet to only chicken, rice,...


Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early...


Skipping a Grade

My son is in second grade, and he is advanced in math and reading at a 5th...