Gender Prediction: Avent

Results 71-80 from 93 articles

**Shopping List ?'S** I Plan on Breastfeeding Can I Hold off on the Breast Pump?

S.2. asks from Flagstaff

This is my 1st baby and I know sometimes breast feeding doesn't go as planned. So, I'm wondering should I invest in a breast pump now before she's born to have on han...


What to Get

S.C. asks from San Francisco

I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any experienced mom out there help me.. Car seat, stroller, best pumps, cribs, I have no idea what e...


New Mom Needs Help with Fussy 3 Week Old :/

C.H. asks from Seattle

my daughter is 3 weeks old and has been really fussy latley. when im trying to feed her [formula] she starts to eat and then becomes extreamly fussy and arches her ba...


Advice on What I Really Need!

M.K. asks from Syracuse

I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...


Breastfeeding Help!!

C.C. asks from Orlando

Ok ladies I really need your help. I am pregnant with my second child and plan on breastfeeding. With the first one I didn't even attempt breastfeeding due to a big m...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...


Breastfed Failure to Thrive 5Monthold.

M.L. asks from Portland

Hello ladies, So this is my issue. At my (just turned 5 month old's)4 month check - he came in about a pound under the line to plot on the growth charts. He was 75t...


When Is the RIGHT Age to STOP Breastfeeding and HOW!!!!

I.D. asks from San Francisco

I thought I would wean my breast/bottle fed since birth baby off of the breast completely by 12months. I wanted her to stop on her own. But, it has not happened. I...


Need Baby Registry Advice!

M.G. asks from Salt Lake City

I am just getting ready to create a baby registry for baby showers etc. and I don't know what to add to it! There are so many different products and so many brands t...