Foot & Toe: Triple Paste

Results 71-80 from 207 articles

Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection

K.C. asks from Dallas

Ok I've read a couple of requests on here for treatment for what you think is diaper rash, but in reality it is a yeast infection. My 18mo son was on two antibiotics ...


Diper Rash in 10 Month Old

A.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 10 months today and has a horrable diper rash for about 1.5 weeks now, I have used neosporian, aveno diper rash crean, vasoline, and bathed her in baki...


Red Bumpy Rash - Not Sure What to Do

M.D. asks from Dallas

My 18month old daughter has developed a red rash w/very small bumps on her girl parts. She has never had a diaper rash other than when she was two weeks old due to m...


Recurring Vaginal Redness in Toddler

A.H. asks from Cincinnati

My 19 month old daughter has been having recurring vaginal irritation problems for about 2 months now. I've taken her to see the doctor at least 5 times for the prob...


The Never Ending Diaper Rash!!!

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hey Everyone, My one year old son has had a diaper rash for about two weeks and nothing seems to be helping. I have used three different creams (Butt paste, balme...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

As I was changing my son (7 months old) tonight right before bedtime, I noticed that all of a sudden he has a major diaper rash. So bad, in fact, that it was even ra...


Diaper Rash That Wont Go Away. Help!

A.M. asks from Santa Barbara

My baby, well he is 18 months old, has had a diaper rash FOREVER! I have tried so many products and nothing seems to work. I took him to the doc 2 times for it. Fir...


Diaper Rash Remedies

R.S. asks from Providence

Does anyone have any good diaper rash remedies? I've tried the over the counter creams, letting her be without a diaper, longer bath time. It doesn't seem to be cle...


Help with Bad Diaper Rash...

B.K. asks from Philadelphia

This question may have been posted before, but is there any home remedy for really bad diaper rash? My 2 year old is getting over a stomach virus and has some leftove...


Burning Her Bottom!!!

T.D. asks from Canton

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...