Foot & Toe: Triple Paste

Results 61-70 from 207 articles

Get Rid of Diaper Rash Immediately

A.T. asks from Los Angeles

How do you get rid of a diaper rash quickly? My 9 month has had a diaper rash for 7 hours..i've put desitin on but it's still red. any other creams/ointments that wil...


Extreme Diaper Rash

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

My girl has developed real bad diaper rash with her latest bout of teething. She's never had diaper rash before so I am extra concerned now...she has very raw red ski...


Diaper Rash

M.H. asks from Chicago

My baby just got a diaper rash, it's really red and looks bad, I change him often so I don't know how it happened and diaper rash cream doesn't help,any suggestions?


Diaper Rash

M.B. asks from Wichita

Hi moms, I'm having problems with my son having HORRIBLE diaper rash, his poor bottom is so raw I can't touch him. The problem is he has to take antibiotics every d...


In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

S.L. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going batt...


Sore Butt on 3 Month Old but Barely Any Rash, Won't Seem to Go Away..

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter seems to have a diaper rash but there is very very little there- there was a faint pink inside the crevice & near the ring- nurse prac said it is a mild m...


Diaper Rash

P.C. asks from Hartford

My son has a diaper rash and I use Balmex now but it doesnt seem to be doing the job. When my daughter had one it went away instantly, I dont want his to get worse do...


Constipation on a Breasfeed 3 Months Old Baby

M.M. asks from Dallas

I'm wondering if this is a common problem for babies that are breastfeeding. My baby used to poop every day and then suddendly didn't make anything until day 3. Now...


Redness Around Anus in Toddler

J.M. asks from Allentown

I've noticed that my 3 year old has a rash (ring-like redness) around his anus. After doing some research on the web I think it may be allergy related or a yeast ove...


9 Month Old's Sore Bottom

J.F. asks from Chicago

My 9 month old has an extremely sore bottom. He is teething and has been having frequent bowel movements that are somewhat liquidy. Consequently he has been getting...