First Aid: Infant, Playtex

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25 answers

Baby Shower Questions

Hello! I am 20 weeks pregnant and am starting to think about registering for my shower. I will probably register at Babys R Us and Target or Walmart. I really need help knowing what to register for and what brands work the best. I don't need top of the line baby stuff but want brands that are known to hold up well. I also need a list of items that are must haves for first time moms. I would love to hear from you experienced moms out there!!! Thanks!!

First Aid Products

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64 answers

How to Get Rid of GAS in an Infant

Does anyone have an ideas how to get rid of GAS? My daughter is only 1 month old, and has gas so bad, that she cries after she eats. I've tried rubbing her stomach, mylicon drops, warm compresses on her stomach, warm baths and laying her on my stomach. I don't lay her down after she eats for 30 mins, then I lay her down, but she cries from the gas. She is bottle feed with breast milk and formula. I have tried to just breast feed, but she wont latch on.. I'm open to any suggestion to get rid of the gas. Thank you for all your help, it's...


Infant Tummy Problem

Hi, my granddaughter is 3 months old and is basically fussy. We changed her...


Baby Shower Questions

Hello! I am 20 weeks pregnant and am starting to think about registering for...