Eye Glasses: Hydrocortisone

29 articles

Warts on My Youngest Son

A.L. asks from Houston

Hello all~ I have a six year old boy who has developed a skin condition on his face. At first it looked very much like a pimple on his eyebrow, but if you picked i...


Urination Problems with 4 Year Old Female.

M.S. asks from Oklahoma City

Lets see, I took my daughter in three days ago for possible UTI or bladder infection. She was complaining it hurt to urinate. The doctors office called on the next ...


Suggestions for Allergic Reactions

J.G. asks from Phoenix

my daughter is 10 yrs old and have allergic reaction but I don know to what, may you moms can helpme'cause i dont know what I need to do, my daughter have running nos...


Rash from Drool

S.L. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have any suggestions to help with a rash around my poor baby boy's neck? I change his bib about 5 times a day and always pat it dry with a kleenex (wipes ...


Mosquito Bites

C.V. asks from Grand Rapids

Hi ladies, Just a quick question regarding mosquito bites. We've been enjoying this beautiful weather and my three year old has many mosquito bites. There are abo...


How Do I Get My 3 Year Old to Stop Licking His Lips So Much?

T.W. asks from Detroit

My 3 1/2 year old has been licking his lips and around his lips a lot the past couple weeks. As a result he has dry patches that are really red and even a spot that l...


Very Bad Rash...

R.F. asks from Kansas City

Hello mommies out there, my son has been having a rash for the past 7 days, i've tried different ointments and letting him be w/o a diaper for a while. Is there somet...


Red/raw Skin Around Lips

E.M. asks from Albany

My almost eight year old daughter has a very bad habit of licking around her lips during the winter months ( starting last winter). This causes a vicious cycle becaus...


Help with Bad Diaper Rash...

B.K. asks from Philadelphia

This question may have been posted before, but is there any home remedy for really bad diaper rash? My 2 year old is getting over a stomach virus and has some leftove...