Detergents: Older Child

Results 41-50 from 57 articles

My 7 Yr Old Has These "Spells" Where His Eyes Shake from Side to Side....

K.S. asks from Phoenix

My 7 yr old has these "spells" where his eyes shake from side to side and it lasts about 2 minutes. This started the day before Thanksgiving. Then the day after, then...


Chemical Free Sunscreen?

H.P. asks from Sacramento

I have a one year old daughter that loves being outdoors and in the water. I’m constantly having to lather her up with sunscreen and while at the local pool the ot...


Do You Bathe Your Kid EVERY Day?

J.T. asks from Victoria

I dont! I try to give a bath every evening but some times i miss a day in between. I was watching a viedo and a man he stated that "some kids dont get three meals a d...


11 Year Old Daughter W/ Vaginal!

M.H. asks from Atlanta

Hi there, My sweet daughter has been experiencing excessive itching in her vaginal area. We have always used A&D Ointment and this has been sufficient. (I love that...


Vaginal Discharge

A.P. asks from Jonesboro

my 5 yr old has a foul smelling vaginal odor. she also has a discharge it is a light brownish yellowish color. it also is red like it is irritated. i noticed the odor...


11 Month Always Rubs Her Eyes

E.M. asks from Louisville

My 11 month old is constantly rubbing her eyes and i was just wondering if anyone elses child has done this. I plan to bring it up at her one year check up but until ...


Leaky Diapers

S.O. asks from St. Louis

So, my daughter seems to be leaking through her diapers during the night. Is there anything I can do to help prevent it? I feel so awful - she wakes up just drenched....


Daughter Has Cough but Never Had a Cold

V.F. asks from Bellingham

My daughter is 9 years old, and she has been coughing now for at least 2 1/2 weeks, or that's how long ago I noticed it. It is not constant, and when I first noticed...


Child Coughs Every Night

G.E. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 year old (just turned) and every time I put her to bed she coughs. She could be fine all day but every night she has this cough. It could be right as she...


Eco-friendly Diapers - Looking for Affordable, Reliable Options

M.D. asks from Minneapolis

I am looking for feedback on eco-friendly diapers. We are currently using cloth during the day and compostable, single-use diapers at night. During the day, the cloth...