Backpack: Toddler, Beco

Results 51-60 from 111 articles

Seeking Moms Who Used a Sling

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have asked several questions to this board and have received such great responses that I thought I would ask about the sling to get feedback from others that have t...


CHANGED ?... NOW I WANT TO Carriers...

R.. asks from Chattanooga

Sorry. My original question was about the free seven slings baby carrier, but the mamapedia staff answered that one for me... Now I want to know, what type of baby ca...


Baby Carrier Advice?

A.P. asks from Janesville-Beloit

Hi Moms- My daughter is 9 months old and weighs 20 pounds. I am looking for a new baby carrier for her. We have a Baby Bjorn and while she likes it (loves to be ca...


Baby Carrying - Moby/bjorn

I.!. asks from New York

We have a big little 7 month old...just under 20 lbs. I'm having such a difficult time using a carrier, which is almost a necessity if I want to do anything outside ...


Carriers and Slings

M. asks from Cincinnati

I have a three month old daughter and would like to find a good sling or carrier, as she likes to be held all the time. I've tried others in the past with my other c...


Baby Carriers/ Moby Wrap

L.L. asks from Columbus

Is anybody interested in purchasing a Moby wrap? It is the UV coated kind in turquoise. I bought it for my infant daughter and she didn't like being in it. I probably...


Comfortable Front Carrier as Baby Grows (16 Lbs Now)

I.S. asks from Chicago

my baby girl is almost 8 months old and is just shy of 16 pounds. since she is smaller than average, i have been able to easily carry her in the baby bjorn front car...


Hot Slings & Other Baby Carriers

K.B. asks from New York

HI Gals! I was wondering, does anyone out there use a Hot Sling baby carrier? If so, how do you like it? Or did you try it and not like it? How about other baby ca...


Which Baby Carrier???

S.E. asks from Sacramento

ok so im a little overwhelmed with all the types of carriers!! I think i may have narrowed it down between the wraps and babyhawk oh snap.. few questions... The b...


Infant Carrier for Large Baby

A.R. asks from New York

My 6 1/2 month old son weighs 19lbs 7oz, and is fast outgrowing his infant car seat. My baby has an almost 3 yr old brother, and we go out a lot to playgrounds, hikin...