Baby Swings: Infant, Miracle Blanket

Results 51-60 from 298 articles

Advice on "No Cry Sleep Solution" - How to Put Baby to Bed Awake

S.S. asks from New York

Our baby was born 10 weeks premature. His corrected age is 2.5 months. He came home from the hospital 4 weeks before his due date, so he has been home with us for abo...


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


Baby WILL NOT Nap! Help!!

J.R. asks from Kansas City

My daughter is now just shy of 3 months old and WILL NOT nap during the day. The only way she will even remotely sleep is if she is being held or "worn" (sling/baby-...


When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby with a Blanket to Sleep In?

J.L. asks from Dallas

At what age should you stop swaddling your baby with a blanket to sleep?


Need Advice on Getting Away from Co-Sleeping/Being Able to Put Baby Down

A.N. asks from New York

I am a first time mom of a 7 week old little girl. I may be in trouble with developing bad sleeping habits with her. I had a c-section and I am breastfeeding on deman...


Help Infant Will Not Stay Asleep When I Lay Her Down.

D. asks from Dallas

Please help my 4 week old will not stay asleep when I lay her down. She sleeps fine as long as we hold her. She will not sit in her bouncer or swing she just screams ...


Need Advice on What to Get as a Baby Shower Gift

M.A. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering what the "must have" gifts are for a first time mom. My friend shower is coming up, and she has already received all the big gifts like stroller, crib...


Colicky Baby?

A.M. asks from Columbus

I have a 3 week old that will not go to sleep at night. Each day seems to be different but generally around dinner time he starts crying and nothing we do seems to c...


Very Fussy Baby

M.O. asks from South Bend

this past week my little one has been pretty fussy off and on all day and early night. He hasn't been sleeping like he used too which i know is coming very a newborn ...


Need Help Getting Baby Boy to Sleep in Crib!!

A.T. asks from Washington DC

My son is 3 1/2 months old. During the days he hasn't ever liked to sleep in his crib and I've managed to either make due with holding him or by putting him in his s...