Baby Bjorn: Infant, Chicco

Results 51-60 from 62 articles

Lightweight Stroller for NYC Subway

Y.Z. asks from New York

Question to all the city dwellers out there, I might have to ride a NYC subway with my 15 m.o., 28 lbs daughter. We have a bugaboo frog stroller but it's big and h...


Take Stroller or Sling to Airport?

C.H. asks from Dallas

I will be taking my 5 mo. on a plane for the first time and we are going to the carribean. I was trying to decide if i should take a stroller or maybe a light weight ...


Double Strollers

K.P. asks from New York

Good morning- I figured that I could sort through 1000 online reviews or just ask the experts... I am having our second child in April and our older will turn 4 in...


Stroller Advice

D.S. asks from New York

I am going to be a first time mom and I need advise stroller recommendations. I wanted the travel combo but heard the stroller is heavy and not good for in and out o...


Stoller Advice Please

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

I am 19 weeks pregnant and just found out I am having a little boy! I have been researching strollers on-line and just feel confused. I would like advice on which s...


Seeking Advice on Double Strollers!

C. asks from Philadelphia

I am looking for some real advice from all the moms out there on double strollers. I live in the city and walk to the daycare and to work. I am not sure what type of ...


Need Help Deciding on a Stoller

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

I need to decide on what stroller to buy. We're deciding between the Bugaboo Cameleon and the Orbit. Bugaboo is not as easy to open and close as the Orbit, the Orbi...


Should I Buy a Double Stroller? Which One?

S.C. asks from Phoenix

Hi. Our boys will be 22 months apart when our son is born and I am in a conundrum as to wether to purchase a double stroller...How do you moms handle a day at the mal...


Looking for Opinions/suggestions for Double Strollers

J.S. asks from Richmond

I am due with #2 in mid-January, and since #1 came early I think it's time I got serious about double strollers! My son will be 16 months when my second is born, so ...


Twin Mommas - Advice Please!!

J.F. asks from Buffalo

My husand and i are currently looking into the various major gear we'll need when our twins are born in March. So far with the help of family, friends and garage sale...