Arms Reach: Preschooler

Results 81-90 from 123 articles

What Do You Really NEED for a New Born?

E.B. asks from Santa Barbara

We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...


Gas Station Protocol: Leave the Kids in the Car?

J.P. asks from Los Angeles

Did anyone see the Oprah about 5 years ago where the women left their kids in the cars and horrible things happened?!?!? I did and have been TRAUMATIZED!! At gas sta...


Need Advise for a Tired Mom

T.P. asks from Chicago

I just had a newborn baby, now 5 weeks old. New baby still wakes up every 1 hr to eat at night at least several days a week. My husband travels a lot for work (at lea...


How Do You Get Anything Done with an 8 Month Old?

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

I'm a single mom and my baby is now crawling, and pulling herself up on absolutely everything. Which is great, except when I need to actually get something done like ...


No Sleep

J.V. asks from Tampa

Hello, I have a six week old and he co-sleeps with me and my hubby. Every night like clock work he goes to bed around eleven or twelve and wakes up in between three ...


Friends 18 Month Old Pushes My 9 Month Old over All the Time.

K.H. asks from Wausau

This question is for me as well as my friend to find constructive ways to stop her daughter from pushing. My friends 18 month old will walk up to my 9 month old as so...


Baby's sleep--Am I Wrong for Feeling This Way?

A.M. asks from Lakeland

The other day I went to my regular doctor for my annual check up. She knew that I had another baby recently and was asking about how things were going at home; how b...


PLEASE Help!! 14 Month Baby and I Need to Sleep Through the Night!!

C.N. asks from Los Angeles

Hola dear parents! this is my first time writing on here. I need help especially from those of you who went through something similar. At this moment I'm in the b...


Moving from Co-sleeping to Big Boy Bed

A.C. asks from Phoenix

My son is almost 2 1/2 and we have been co sleeping since birth since it was easier for me because he was breast fed. We have long past that stage and I continued t...


Entertining Toddler While Nursing Infant

R.D. asks from Hartford

Hello everyone! I have a 19-month-old daughter and just had another beautiful baby girl 2 weeks ago. So far my husband and I have been able to balance the needs of b...