Working: Infantino

Results 41-50 from 86 articles

Kiddopatamus Neck Support

T.G. asks from Seattle

At one of my showers I received a Kiddopatamus head support for my son’s car seat. Are these safe to add to your infants car seat? Do infants need the extra head ...


I Am Concern About My Baby HELP!!!

T.N. asks from Philadelphia

My 1 month baby boy, falls to sleep very easily but out of no where he moves alot and whines then crys and wakes up ,and its hard to put him back to sleep. i nee...


Carriers and Slings

M. asks from Cincinnati

I have a three month old daughter and would like to find a good sling or carrier, as she likes to be held all the time. I've tried others in the past with my other c...


Sling Baby Carriers

A.S. asks from Chicago

I'm wondering if any of you moms could recommend and/or give me some feedback on sling carriers you've used. We're expecting Baby #2 in the Spring, and I'm thinking a...


Sling Suggestions?

M.W. asks from Seattle

My newborn appears to be one of the "fussy" ones... I've been in a type of denial about this for a few weeks now, haha!! Anyways, I'd like to wear her more but she H...


Baby Slings

K.S. asks from Orlando

I have an infant and an 18 month old. I'm looking for a sling that I might be able to breastfeed in as well as carry my infant around while on the go with my son. I...


Seeking Moms Who Used a Sling

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

I have asked several questions to this board and have received such great responses that I thought I would ask about the sling to get feedback from others that have t...


Need Advice on Good Baby Carrier

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking to purchase the kind of baby carrier that you wear. They can get pricy and I was wondering what other moms like and don't like about their carriers. My s...


Sudden Severe Back Pain

D.C. asks from Dallas

This morning I knelt down to pick something up and was struck with SEVERE low back pain. I couldn't move at all. I yelled out in pain and luckily my husband was sti...


Peanut Shell Vs. Moby Wrap or Something Else?

K.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi everyone, I'm expecting my second baby in about 10 weeks. I have an Ergo Baby Carrier, which I LOVE, but feel that it's a bit too "loose" and big for a newborn. ...