Soothing & Comforting: Playtex

Results 41-50 from 725 articles

Bottle Feeding

S.M. asks from Omaha

I have been nursing my son since birth. I have been struggling with bottle feeding (my breast milk) with my son. I have never used formula, only breast milk. He is...


Breast to Bottle

G.A. asks from Jacksonville

My son will be 4 months old at the end of this month. I (with the help of my husband, friends, and mothers) have been trying to get him to accept a bottle, but to no...


Need Help Getting My 13Month Old off Her Nighttime Bottle

R.H. asks from Los Angeles

At 12months my pediatrician said to take our daughter off the bottle completely. I was surprised because she was born 3 months early so her adjusted age is really 9 m...


Leaving the Baby with Grandparents - Weaning to Cup?

A.M. asks from Bangor

In a month, my husband and I will travel to a meeting (we are in the same field), and leave our then 11.5 month-old daughter with my parents at our house. (we will b...


Question About Nursing to Sleep and Napping

T.C. asks from Kansas City

Hello! I am exclusively breast feeding and it is going well with my 8 week old. However, I am afraid I am allowing what is or will be a bad habit. He normally want...



F.S. asks from St. Louis

I was just wondering if anyone knew or had an opinion on which pacifiers are the best out there because there are so many??? I bought two kinds the Playtex Ortho-Pro ...


Big Boobs Need Help!

S.R. asks from Chicago

I am a big breasted gal, 42DDD and I desperately need your suggestions for a no-wire bra that supports my girls. Playtex was my go-to for years, but they just aren't ...



J.W. asks from Salt Lake City

I've been breastfeeding my baby since birth, now at 3 months old she refuses a bottle. She took her first bottle at a month old, then starting refusing them. She ba...


My 2 Month Crys ALL the Time!! Help Me!

A.W. asks from Albuquerque

When my 2 month old daughter isn't sleeping she is crying. Me and Dad get so frusterated! I have took her to the doctors and they tell me it's tantrums "let her cry"...


Taking a Bottle...

J.P. asks from Kansas City

Do any of you have any tips or tricks to getting a nursing baby to take a bottle? I have a beautiful 3-month-old daughter. She's my 3rd child and she nurses great...