Sleeping Habits: Snugli

Results 1-10 from 17 articles

Seeking Advice for 18 Week Daughter Who Still Struggles with Babysitters

C.G. asks from Chicago

My baby girl is such a "mama's girl" (early strangeritis), but it's making it hard for me to work (and I need to work to help support our family). I work from home t...


Mother of 2 Needs HELP!

M.V. asks from Cleveland

Hi everyone, forgive me as I ramble, but I need nelp fast! I am a mother of a 2 year old and a 14 week old. I also have two jobs and am trying to keep ends meeting!...


5 Months Old Crying a Lot

K.B. asks from San Diego

Hi everyone! I have a little girl who is 5 months old and is crying almost all day when awake. I also have an 8 yo boy but I didn't have this type of issue with him. ...


Advice of Gift for Single Mom with No Car (Rides Bus)

L.L. asks from Seattle

A friend of mine has an almost 6 week old baby (Jasmine 8 pounds...was 5 weeks early). I've known her my whole life. She is a single mom with no car...rides the bus e...


My Son Refuses to Sit in His!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

M.M. asks from Boston

My 4th and youngest child will be 2 years at the end of June. He refuses to sit in his stroller. Even with straps on, he stands up and tries to climb out. He cries ...


Best Baby Harness/sling

S.B. asks from Iowa City

I am wondering what other moms' experiences are with baby slings (not sure what you call them). The type that the baby is harnessed on the front of you? They look v...


Baby Wearer

K.M. asks from Fayetteville

Hi, any suggestion on baby wearer products. there are so many out there not sure which to pick? my son is 4 months old and I can tell he likes to face out to be abl...


Carrier or Wrap?

M.3. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies, Just wondering which may be better, I have a carrier, and I like it, but wondering if something like the moby wrap would be better for a newborn. It just...


Nutramigen and Zantac (Acid Reflux)

A.M. asks from Green Bay

Our LO is almost three months and has had issues with being fussy and spitting up formula. He has also always been very grunty. We switched him to nutramigen and that...


What's the Best Baby Carrier?

L.S. asks from Austin

I want to buy a type of pouch baby carrier, but I am not sure if it really does the job. Looking for something comfortable for me and the baby and easy to put on. C...