Sleeping Habits: Infant, Aquaphor

Results 41-50 from 147 articles

Seeking Advice on What Sunscreen to Use on My Daughter Who Has Eczema?

N.R. asks from New Orleans

My 6 yr old daughter has eczema and I cant find any sunscreen lotion that doesnt make her break out. She already uses Aveno baby sunscreen lotion but she still breaks...


Dry Raw Hands

C.K. asks from Knoxville

Hi ladies, I have to wash my hands frequently (diaper changing, cooking, etc.) and the weather has turned cold so I can't seem to keep my hands from being dry, crack...


Ear Infection

S.G. asks from San Francisco

My baby (2 year old) has developed ear infection, has a bad throat with cough and cold and is teething at the same time. He hasnt been eating much at all since the pa...


4 y.o. With Bad Case of Eczema

K.W. asks from Muncie

My four year old daughter has had Eczema on and off since she was born. In the past I have taken her to the pediatrician and gotten a prescription for a skin cream. ...


Gift Ideas for Preemie's Mom?

A.S. asks from Tucson

My SIL just had her second baby. She is 6 weeks premature and in the NICU. She is doing OK and they are not expecting any major complications. I am wondering what ...


Thumb Sucking Rash

B.B. asks from Sarasota

my 3.5 yr old daughter still sucks her thumb. we have never had any issues with it up until now. she has a rash on it. I think it's kind of raw or chapped. she co...


Diaper Rash Help Needed Please....

S.B. asks from Dallas

My poor little baby boy who is 16 months has a diaper rash. He's been sick with sinusitis and been having above the average of bm diapers. I've been putting desitin...


Question About Allergies and Eczema

J.A. asks from Indianapolis

DD is 20 months. She has eczema but it is easily controlled so far. She is potty training so all day she runs around naked. She has always been cloth diapered (cotton...


12 Week Old Has Bad Skin and Scalp...

J.E. asks from Sacramento

Any advice for products that actually work for my baby's skin and scalp? Her skin is so dry, NOTHING can moisturize it. Her scalp is always flaking and I can't get ...


Red Cheeks

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

my granddaughter's cheeks have been bright red for going on 4 days now. they are very dry but dont seem to itch her at all. i tried vaseline yesterday but it doesn'...