Sex: Tween

Results 51-60 from 759 articles

Is It Okay to Kiss Your Children on the Lips?

V.L. asks from Oklahoma City

I will get straight to the point.... I see mothers and fathers kissing their children on the lips.... I must admit that I have done it before and my in laws flipped o...


Reassurance and support-I'm Deaing with a Surly 12 Year Old!

D.R. asks from Austin

My son turned 12 today. He is rude to me, rejects any physical affection, rolls his eyes at me, etc. He used to be so sweet, loving, kind. He does well in school, i...


13 Yo Daughter Wants a Boyfriend

K.F. asks from Sacramento

My husband and I are having a tough time deciding and agreeing on whether or not our 13 yr old daughter should be allowed to have a boyfriend. We trust her and know s...


Advice Needed from Moms of "Tween" Girls and Older

G.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I have a beautiful, bright, and sweet little girl who is 8 1/2 and in the third grade. As much as I would like to stop the movement of time, I can't, so d...


At What Age Do You Have the "Birds and Bees" Talk?

L.Z. asks from Lancaster

My 10 year old son has started asking small questions regarding sex. For awhile he thought kissing had alot to do with it. We sort of left it at that with the same ti...


Age to Let Daughter Watch Twighlight New Moon -

L.T. asks from Dallas

My 11 year old daughter wants to see Twilight New Moon. Is it age appropriate for her?


Co-ed Party..... for a 12 Year Old.

J.W. asks from Erie

My son is having his 12th Birthday party in about two months and is already excitedly planning the event. He decided to do laser tag and wishes to invite a few girls ...


11 Year Old Attitude

K.Y. asks from Boston

At my wits end, I googled for info regarding advice on dealing w/ the attitude of my 11-year-old son. While it's a comfort to know many of you are dealing with or ha...


Stealing 10 Year Old

B.M. asks from Houston

In desperate need of some advice or suggestions--my 10-year old step-daughter has a history of lying, cheating, and stealing. She also ODD (oppositional defiance dis...


12 And 13 Year Old Friendship Question

K.S. asks from Denver

Hi ladies. So I admit first of all that I am a worrier, and am easily upended by change, I just don't deal with change well. So I'm hoping to gain some perspective on...