Sex: Clear Blue

15 answers

Innappropriate Behavior at School

Hello everyone. I have a 5yr old son who is in headstart and recently he has been getting comments sent home regarding his behavior. His teacher saids when he is standing in line with his class mates he sometimes will touch the lower back or butt of the person standing infront of him and sometimes he will back up so that the person behind him will accidently touch his butt. I had noticed that suddenly he had a fascination with the word "butt" and when ever someone accidently touched his he would say ewww he touched my butt and he would...

Teen Pregnancy

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9 answers

Clear Blue Pregnancy Test

My husband and I are trying to conceive our 2nd child. My period is due early next week and I will be honest---I am anxious and very excited to take a pregnancy test if I don't get a period. Clear Blue box says you can take it up to 5 days before your period is due; however it's more accurate the day and after you miss your period...just wondering if anyone has tested early and gotten an accurate result? Thinking about trying it...or maybe I should just wait?! My period is very regular...every 25 or 26 days.