School: Baby Trend

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12 answers

Baby Trend Sit-‘n-Stand Stroller

Hello Mama's! I am expecting my third baby in a few weeks. I have a 3 year old boy (well - he's 3 1/2) and a 22 month old boy all ready. With my first two, I purchased a side by side "walking" stroller for neighbor hood walks, zoo trips, exercise, etc. It's been great and I have loved having it. My 3 year old was 20 months when #2 was born, but I never needed a stroller to put the car seat in because my older son was the perfect listener (at that age) and would always stay right beside me while we walked in and out of stores, in and...


Jog Stroller Advice

Okay, we are having another baby and spend a serious amount of time at the...

Academic Performance

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5 answers

Jog Stroller Advice

Okay, we are having another baby and spend a serious amount of time at the beach year round because of our surfing instruction business. We need a jog stroller because it's the only type of stroller that is possible to push over the sand. Not easy, but can be done. Our last child had a graco jogger travel system (the one that works with the infant car seat), but that stroller is long gone and graco doesn't make those anymore. Our only all-in-one jogger travel system option we have seen is a Baby Trend model, but that one has...