Rash: Toddler, Hydrocortisone

Results 51-60 from 933 articles

Diaper Rash

D.H. asks from Dallas

Okay yall, its been awhile since I've had a little one with diaper rash. I have forgotten what works the best... I don’t know if he’s just very unhappy but the ...


Question About Rash

J. asks from Chicago

My 4 year old has had a rash (more like chapped skin)on her private area for over 2 weeks now. The doctor, who has never seen her about this, said that it was probabl...


Diaper Rash

C.H. asks from New York

I am looking for an alternative to Desitin, Balmex and A&D. My youngest has diaper rash on and off and the A& D does not work for her. She screams when I put Desiti...


Diaper Rash?

S.F. asks from Charlotte

Thanks for all of the great advice on diaper rash treatment, and on environmentally friendly cloth diapers! I just get discouraged when moms in general post on t...


Diaper Rash

T.R. asks from Reading

Good Morning Ladies - I'm hoping you may have some suggestions for me. I have a 7 month old girl who has a really bad case of diaper rash. I've done everything - ...


Rash from Drool?

E.W. asks from Dallas

My sweet 5 1/2 month old son has a horrible rash under his chin and upper chest from drooling. I have tried keeping a bib on him, changing his clothes, putting vasoli...


Yeast Rash?

K.S. asks from Houston

So he has a diaper rash and it is not the normal kind and it won't go away. It looks kind of scaley and has definate edges. I don't know what to do about it. Again...


Rash from Drool

S.L. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have any suggestions to help with a rash around my poor baby boy's neck? I change his bib about 5 times a day and always pat it dry with a kleenex (wipes ...


Unusual Rash on 13 Month Old

M.I. asks from St. Louis

My son has a rash. Looks like a sunburn. He hasn't been outside in a long time so it's NOT a sunburn. Yesterday evening it was in his arm pits, the fold of his e...


Itchy Rash

T. asks from Cleveland

Hi everybody, I am looking for some advice and hope to hear from other moms that have had a itchy rash while being pregnant. I am in my third trimester and I have ...