Organic: Toddler, Alimentum

Results 1-10 from 243 articles

Similac Alimentum

M.M. asks from Boston

I have been writing on here a bit about my son and his acid reflux. My doctor now gave him similac alimentum. I guess it is a perscription formula. He hates it. W...


Does ALIMENTUM (Ready to Feed) Help ECZEMA?

K.A. asks from Seattle

My daughter has eczema, I breast feed and I know that the eczema is related to food allergies. I have been on a restricted diet able to eat only rice and meat with w...


Does Somebody Use Similac Alimentum for the Baby? Does It Really Work?

L.P. asks from Chicago

My baby is 5 weeks old. I have heard about Similac Alimentum. Who uses it for the baby? Does it work? pLease help... My baby is gassy and fussy the nost time of the day.


Anyone Switch Their Baby to Alimentum and Have a Worse Day Before a Better Day?

A.R. asks from New York

Has anyone had a similar experience? I assumed that since Alimentum is predigested, it would not have the adjustment issues other switching of formulas would have. ...



I.K. asks from New York

My son is eight month. I want to swich from breastmilk to formula because he dosent take the breast. I have to exclusively pump. Which formula is best. I tried enfami...



D.N. asks from Tampa

As some of you already know from my previous cries out for help, I have a colicky baby with GERD (reflux) who was being breastfed, but now is on formula (to 1-see if ...


Is Organic Soy Milk Ok??????

D.M. asks from Santa Barbara

Hello to all the mom's out there! I had a question and was hoping that some of you could answer it. I have a 2 and 1/2 year old son and he is allgeric to milk. We hav...


What are your experience with soy formula with infant?

S.M. asks from Phoenix

Are there any moms here who feed their baby soy formula?


Problems with Formula

C.L. asks from Philadelphia

My 1 year old was on Similace with soy for the first 7 months of his life, he was diagnoses with refux also, so he threw up alot. When he was 7 months old the dr. su...


Formula Sensitivity?

N.O. asks from Richland

I am breastfeeding my 7 week old and he consumes way more than my daughter did at the same age. I'm having trouble keeping up my supply with him...especially in the ...