Meijer: Toddler, Huggies

Results 1-10 from 47 articles

13 Month Old Wakes up with Soaked Diaper and Wet Pajamas Almost Every Morning!

A.G. asks from Cincinnati

My 13 month old is waking up almost every morning - sometimes too early - wet from the top of his diaper up his stomach. His diaper is completely soaked, too. We we...


Night Time Diapers for My 6.5 Month Old

D.G. asks from Chicago

The last two nights our 6.5 month old daughter has leaked through her diapers, clothing and sheets. This is probably a simple solution but are there nighttime diaper...


Seven Month Old Waking up Wet

K.S. asks from Detroit

My seventh month old daughter wakes up soaked every morning. We put her to bed with a clean diaper and she sleeps 12-13 hours at night. By the time she wakes up she...


Store Brand Diapers

B.W. asks from Grand Rapids

I have tried Meijer's Whisper soft diapers size 5, I didn't like them...The tabs pulled off, and the stuffing kept coming out the top. Has anyone tried any other stor...


4 y.o. With Bad Case of Eczema

K.W. asks from Muncie

My four year old daughter has had Eczema on and off since she was born. In the past I have taken her to the pediatrician and gotten a prescription for a skin cream. ...


Store Brands?

R.P. asks from Chicago

Hello All, Was wondering if I could get a few opinions on various store brands of diapers and wipes. We currently use Pampers Swaddlers diapers and Huggies wipes....


Night Time Diapers That Won't Leak

J.A. asks from Detroit

Hi I'm looking for some information regaurding a diaper that my 2 1/2 year old can wear at night that will not leak. He is soaking thru his size 6 pampers baby dry di...


Are Luvs Diapers Any Good?

A.G. asks from Austin

We are always trying to save money and I wondered if Luvs diapers actually work. We use Pampers at night since little one sleeps pretty heavy and use what coupons we...


Wet Bed Every Morning

B.S. asks from Detroit

I'm seeking encouragement from fellow Moms who might have been through this. My 3 year old (who is not yet potty trained...we are working on it!) wakes up soaked i...


So Tired of Diaper Blowouts!

S.M. asks from Columbus

I am at my wits end with my daughter's poop! She has blown out of her diapers EVERY SINGLE TIME she has pooped for the last week. It doesn't matter if she's sitting...