Liquids: Medela

Results 81-90 from 1,671 articles

Increasing Milk Supply

M.J. asks from Chico

Just wondering about healthy ways to increase my milk supply. My daughter is 6 months old and I just returned to work fulltime. I would like to hear other moms sugges...


Milk Supply Is Too Low for Child's Appetite

T.D. asks from Boston

Help! My 2 month old son who was born premature has finally become great at latching and breastfeeding. Some feedings during the day go great and then later in the da...


Low Milk Supply and Herbal Supplements

J.F. asks from Columbus

I am exclusively breastfeeding my almost 5 mo old son. He has dairy and soy intollerances (blood in his stool and diarhea). Other than that, he is a big, healthy boy ...


Pumping and Milk Supply

J.M. asks from Columbia

My daughter is now 9 months old. I breastfed exclusively for 3 months and then have been pumping since then when I returned to work. After about the first month or so...


Insufficient Milk Production

M.M. asks from Seattle

My little girl is 4 months old and i feel like i may not be producing enough milk for her... has anyone tried the herbal remedies such as Fenugreek pills or the Organ...


Milk Supply Going Down

B.B. asks from San Francisco

I have a 5 month old daughter that I have breast fed since she was born. I went back to work 2.5 months ago, so I pump 3 times a day for 20 minutes each to get milk ...


Diminishing Milk supply--HELP!

J.S. asks from Sioux City

I exclusively breastfed my DD until 6 months at which she started solids. I never had any issues with nursing or low supply until recently. About a month ago my hub...


Low Milk Supply..

B.W. asks from Miami

hello. i just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and made the wise choice to bf, however, she was having difficulty latching on, so i decided to buy a breast pump an...


Breast Milk

H.W. asks from Lakeland

My wife is having a hard time expressing her milk, is there any suggestions on how to get more milk out? She is drinking 6-8oz glasses of water a day, no more then that.


Mother's Milk and Fenugreek

S.J. asks from Las Vegas

I am strongly trying to push for breastfeeding my son for a year, but he's almost 2 months and my milk is decreasing. I drink mothers milk 5 cups daily and take my pr...