Liquids: Medela

Results 71-80 from 1,671 articles

Is Baby Getting Enough Milk?

A.A. asks from San Diego

I have been pumping since my son was born 3 wks ago because he has not wanted to latch on. I also have been giving a few ounces of formula because I am not producing ...


More Milk Please

A.C. asks from Chicago

My second daughter is 8months old. I breastfed my first for 11 months before I lost my, i am already lossing my supply and desperatly want to nurse for...


What Can I Do to Increase My Milk Supply?

N.H. asks from Duluth

I have a 2 month old baby boy who is beautiful. He is my fourth child and I have breastfed all my kids until they are 1; however, I was a stay at home mom w/ my firs...


Where's My Milk?

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

Recently I was sick with a stomach thing so for two days I barely ate two bowls of soup. At the same time I started supplementing with formula only one bottle a day ...


Proper Storage of Milk

M.B. asks from Rochester

I have been debating pumping for the past 5 months of 7. I am leery of the plastic and it's 'phthalates' and other garbage that is newly discovered in it. Now, I have...


Seeking Advice on Increasing Milk Supply While Pumping

P.L. asks from Minneapolis

I've been back at work for 6 weeks. I pump 3 times a day for about 12 min each session. I get a total of 4-6oz of milk per day. Does anyone have any advice on how ...


Why Is My Milk Supply So Low?

F.U. asks from Chicago

I had my baby girl at 28 weeks. We aren't sure why yet, but they told us it was due to drops in her heart rate. After delivering, I started pumping right away. I did ...


Letting down to the Pump/increasing Milk Supply

L.L. asks from Seattle

Due to ongoing latching difficulties and my 7 week old daughter's "failure to thrive" I have had to make the tough decision to switch her to bottle feeding. Her latc...


Preparing Baby Formula - Water or Milk First ??????????

S.F. asks from Minneapolis

whats the right way of preparing baby's formula bottle . i think we should always add the water first and then put formula but my husband says it doesnt matter if we ...


Need Advice for Increasing Milk Production

A.A. asks from Columbus

Does anyone have any good ideas for boosting my breast milk production? My baby is 3 weeks old, and has a very good appetite. After I nurse, he is usually still hung...