Labor & Delivery: Adult Child

Results 41-50 from 173 articles

I'm Hatching a Plan and Need Ideas.

S.M. asks from Kansas City

We have a reoccuring problem in my house of family members over eating on expensive foods that are not meant to be ate mindlessly. Between the daycare and the family...


What's Good and Bad About Singletons - Being One or Parenting One?

J.O. asks from Corvallis

Hello Mama's Still trying to figure out in my mind if we should stop at one or try for one more. Anyone willing to tell me about their experiences (good and/or bad...


PT Nanny Pay

R.B. asks from Dallas

Why all the assumptions ladies? I never said I expected perfection. I would NOT get that even with an older lady. I didn't feel it necessary to bore you with all...


I Dont Know What OB/GYN to Go To!!!

E.G. asks from Los Angeles

this being my first child, im not really sure what im supposed to do. i have been refered to the same exact OB/GYN that my mom went to when pregnant with me. all my m...


What to Do with Teenagers over the Summer?

S.W. asks from Columbus

Hi all, I have three stepkids (18, 15, and 9 yo) and a fourth-month old son. (All three stepkids live with us full-time.) I just recently became a SAHM when my son w...


Advice for Potential Marriage w/STD (Genital Herpes)

L.R. asks from Austin

I'm asking for advice concerning my 19 1/2 y.o. son. He is very serious about a girl (she's 1 1/2 years older) and believes she is "the one". This is is first serio...


Teen Son's

W.F. asks from Oklahoma City

I have 3 boy's two of whom are 16 and 18. I have never been a parent of teenage boy's nor did I grow up with any brothers. My question is if they are not working be...


She Is Expecting Her 20Th Child?

L.A. asks from Austin

I know that some people believe that GOD gives them babies, But at what point do we or should we say, this is enough? If a mom has had tough pregnancies or births, ...


Feedback on Having Unplanned Baby Late in Life.

T.B. asks from Houston

I just found out I am pregnant with my 3rd child. I have a 14 yr. old son and a 12 year old daughter and am just needing advice from any other older mom's who have ha...


Need Advice on Realitionship

J.W. asks from Chicago

Hello to all i am not sure if anyone will be able to help but at this point i am losing it. I am 5 months pregnent and have 2 kids girl 8 and boy 12. I am on bedrest ...