Infant: Toddler, LeapPad

Results 1-10 from 62 articles

Discipling a 23 Month Old

K.M. asks from Tampa

Please help me! I have a 23 month old boy who is very active and curious. He is developing a temper and is quite headstrong about what he wants to do. I have had s...


Seeking Air Travel Tips with a 1-Year Old

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello to all you mothers, My husband and I will be going on an international flight to Rome, Italy in June with our 1-year old son for my sister's wedding. We ha...


Does an iPad for a 2-Year-old Make Sense?

J.M. asks from Miami

Hi Moms, I'm just wondering about a new trend I've noticed lately, 2-year-olds with their own iPads. I have several friends who have purchased iPads specifically ...


2 Year Old Daughter Interested in Really Learning Her Letters, Help With

E.F. asks from Chattanooga

HI! I am a mom of a 6 year old who is reading great for being in first grade, but my 2 year old who looks up to her brother and wants to do what he is doing all the t...


Ideas for Great Developmental Toys for 24-36 Month Old

J.S. asks from Sioux Falls

I have a 19 month old boy and the grandparents have been asking what I want for him for Christmas. I'm just curious if anyone out there has found toys they absolutel...


Entertaining an Active 1 Year Old on Long Plane Ride

M.P. asks from San Francisco

Hi~ this month we will be flying to NY and so have a couple very long plane rides ahead of us. Our son is 13 months old and, of course, loves to move around, check ...


If You Have a Toddler

L.R. asks from Altoona

Do you entertain them all day? As in, do you play with them all the time? If not, how well do they play independently? Most of the time DD wonders around the house...


Air Travel with a Toddler

H.B. asks from Dallas

Hello, ladies. I am flying for the first time since I was a child, next week. I am 6 1/2 mos pregnant and I am taking along my rambuncious 2yr old. I need all the...


Potty Training Advice

T.S. asks from Amarillo

Help please! My son is 3 1/2. I started potty training him not long after he turned 3. He really got the pee-pee thing down, never wets in his pants and never wets...


Need Suggestions for a Long Drive with Toddler!!

T.J. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mommies, I am already starting to stress about my upcoming trip and I need your suggestions and advice. I will be taking a long road trip (8 hour drive) next ...