Infant: Child

Results 1-10 from 97,854 articles

6 Year Old Who Snores

H.K. asks from Dallas

My 6 year old daughter has snored for as long as I can remember. I took her to her Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and he recommended surgery to have her tonsils and ade...


Help with a 6 Year Old

M.B. asks from Saginaw

I need help with my 6 year old he's outta hand. He likes to tell me waht to do and not to listen to me. Any time you tell him to do something he throws a fit. If he d...


5 Year Old Becoming VERY Defiant...

R.D. asks from Richmond

My girls, ages 5 and 6, are good kids, REALLY good kids, until recently... and I'm a tough love mom. If the girls both get in trouble for something, my 6 year old imm...


My 5 Year Old Has Excema

A.G. asks from Wichita

My 5 year old daughter has excema. When she was an infant, it was so bad that she has scratches all over her face. She was reffered to a determatologist. He gave me s...


6-Year Old Is a Picky Eater!!!!

L.K. asks from San Francisco

I'm very frustrated with my 6 year old son who ONLY wants to eat junk. It drives me nuts. He has such a limited menu of food that he will eat. It is very frustrating....


Gift Ideas for a 5 Year Old Girl

S.S. asks from Sioux Falls

Two weeks ago my family moved to a new state. We have only had a chance to meet a couple of our neighbors. One of which invited us to her 5 year old daughter's birth...


5 Year Old Snoring

M.V. asks from New York

My 5 year old son snores horribly at night. I have spoken with the peditrician numerous times and he always gives me the same answer. My son has very large adnoids (w...


I Have Had It with My 5 Year Old!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

If you guys read my post regarding my defiant 5 year old, then you know all about the tip of the iceberg. The straw that broke the camels back: she just intention...


My 5 Year Old Refuses to Eat

A.G. asks from Casper

Hi, my 5 year old refuses to eat nearly everything I put in front of him. He likes Hamburger Helper, PB&J, Hamburgers, Tacos, Macaroni, Chicken Nuggets and fries. Oth...


Moody 5 Year Old

M.D. asks from Saginaw

Around the time my daughter started school, her moods have changed. She went through the normal naughty and testy phases that all kids go through when she was little ...