Illnesses: Enfamil

Results 51-60 from 662 articles

HELP, I Have a Constipated Baby

G.A. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 month old baby girl seems to be having a bit of a hard time when it comes to her bowel movements.I recently changed her formula to the enfamil gas and fussiness....


When to Switch to Cow's Milk

S.B. asks from Detroit

I have a 9 and a half month old baby girl. She has been on the Enfamil Lipil formula which I have been purchasing for the last 7 months at $25 a can! I am just wond...


Mixing Powdered Formula

C.D. asks from New York

I had my son on Enfamil Lipil and had to change formula due to constipation and gas. Now he takes Enfamil Gentlease and his stool was softer. I was mixing the formula...


Milk Protein Allergy

M.D. asks from Miami

My 8 month old DD has been on Alimentum since 2 months for a milk protein allergy and we are thinking of trying a different formula. My husband wants to go directly ...


Issues with Most Formulas

R.O. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 4 months old and has had a lot of tummy issues since birth. I breastfed the first month or so and everything was fine. Unfortunatley, I wasn't able to conti...


My Son Bryton

A.N. asks from Tulsa

My son Bryton Has acid reflux I give him Zantac 3 times a day and I have also changed his formula 4 times now, I also put One table spoon of rice per ounce. Does anyo...


Need Some Advice!!

A.L. asks from New Orleans

my baby boy is 6 weeks old, around three weeks of age he started crying a lot and vomiting. so i brought him to the doctor, and my doctor switched him from enfamil ge...



J.B. asks from Omaha

I was wondering if anyone knew what is normal for newborns to cry? We have switched my daughters formula to the Enfamil Nutramagean and I have seen small changes in ...


Should I Give My 13 Month Old Vitamins?

D.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi mamas, I wondered if any moms give their babies vitamin supplements. I don't give my baby anymore formula since he turned a year --he now drinks whole milk. He e...


I Want to Wean My Baby, How Do I Do It?

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

I have been breast feeding my 10 month old daughter exclusively. I am ready to wean her off the breast. But she will not take a bottle. I've been giving her water in ...