Housekeeping: A&D

Results 11-20 from 217 articles

8 Month Old with Diarrhea

P.M. asks from Portland

My son has had diarrhea for over 24 hours and, while I am not concerned about his hydration or anything like that, his bottom has a horrible rash. His scrotum is even...


Circumcision Problem

M.D. asks from Cincinnati

Anyone out there have any problems with their sons circumcision or been told by pediatricians to push the skin back.I was completely clueless as a new mom to my first...


Burning Her Bottom!!!

T.D. asks from Canton

My one year old has had really bad diapers lately. It seems like once or twice a day she explodes a diaper, which I change immediately, but where ever the bm touches ...


Severe Diaper Rash

A.C. asks from Detroit

My 8 month old daughter suffers from severe diaper rash sometimes and I'm looking for suggestions on how to help treat her. I try to change her ASAP, leaving my child...


HORRIBLE Diaper Rash! HELP :(

3.B. asks from Cleveland

My one year old has developed terrible diaper rash. Bright red, lots of bumps, raw. He has been having diarrhea for a few days. I think because he's teething, with a ...


Looking for Advice on Infant Skincare

A.S. asks from Boston

My 5 month old daughter is very chubby and has very red, chaffed skin on the back of her knees. I'm sure it's because her legs are so chubby, but I can't find anythi...


4 Year Old Figgity and Shaky Hands

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms...something heavy on my mind tonight. I picked up my daughter at preschool this afternoon, and asked how her week was, I was asked if I had ever noticed her h...


Sick of All the Harassment

A.F. asks from Stationed Overseas

Ok my husband is in the army and we have been stationed here in Korea for almost 2 years. We are leaving in August but ever since the incident with my oldest son's el...


Pampers Easy Ups

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I was wondering if any of you have experienced what I'm currently going through. My daughter who is a little over 1yr 1/2 is going through the potty trainn...


Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

C.M. asks from Owensboro

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched...