Household: Child, Puppets

Results 31-40 from 654 articles

Fun Things to Do with Toddler at Home

E.D. asks from Atlanta

Does anyone have ideas to share of fun, low or no cost activities to do when spending a day at home with a 17-month old? We love to read and listen to music. I would ...


What to Do with the Piles and Piles of School Artwork?!

N.C. asks from Tucson

I'm desperately trying to get a handle on the chaos in my house that has gotten out of hand since my fourth baby was born in September. I am able to organize most th...


2 Yr Old Afraid of Shadows...

M.H. asks from Cincinnati

Lately, my DD, who will be 2 next month, has been talking about shadows and how she is afraid of them. My husband and I used to make shadow puppets when she first dis...


Naps for 8 and 6 Year Olds

K.M. asks from Denver

My daughter has made it clear that she does not want advice or opinions from me about how she is raising her children. However sometimes I have concerns about some ...


Child Afraid of the Monsters

W.M. asks from Austin

My three year old granddaughter recently started complaining she did not want to sleep in her room because of monsters. We have discussed this issue, left the lights...


Stay at Home Mom

K.H. asks from Houston

What do you do with your kids during the day? I have a two and a half year old and a three month old. I'm already getting bored doing the same things day after day. M...


Drama overload...need Perspective

S.L. asks from Elkhart

Hi moms. I am only a few days into summer vacation with three kids and already I know I've got to make some radical changes. My kids are all well behaved and genera...



S.C. asks from Los Angeles

I took my 3.1 yo to the local library to participate in their storytelling program for the first time. Also,this would be the first "organized" activity that she will...


3Rd Grade Girl Activities for at Home

M.A. asks from San Antonio

What would be a good activity for third grade girls that we could do totally at home? There would be up to 12 girls. I could get one or two moms to help me drive th...


Belief in Imaginative Myths

J.G. asks from Chicago

Last week, I had my small co-op over and we made castles for St Pats day. We were talking about leprechauns and fairies, and my daughter's almost 5 year old friend sa...